Saturday, September 1, 2012

The TP Delema

We had an "issue with tissue" come up this weekend... and we felt like we'd harnessed a few teachable moments pretty well:
So...Chloe uses a lot of toilet paper.  I mean a LOT.  I'd been noticing it, so when she came and asked for some more paper I used the opportunity to have a little talk with her in her bathroom.  I showed her a trick on how to measure some TP so she gets enough but not too much.  She seemed a bit worried that she wouldn't be able to change her habit, but I told her to just try. 
A day and a half passes.  I was in the kitchen.  Chloe comes up to me and says: "Mom, I have a problem, and I need your help with something."
"Sure, what is it?"
"Well...I know I'm supposed to be using less toilet paper, but I just keep forgetting... I'm trying but...I'm out of paper again." 
Inside I'm saying: WHA!!??  NO WAY!!  A whole roll in a day-and-a-half!!!???  Yikes!
But I actually said: " Okay, well- That does seem like you're still using quite a bit. Thanks for coming and asking for help, sweetie.  We can figure this out together." 

I walked around the counter to talk with her.  About that time, Abby heard what was going on and came to join our conversation.  She told Chloe she was surprised at how much she'd used in the last couple days, and also told her that she was proud of her for coming to ask for help.  We reassured her that she'd been trying, and that's good, and that it would take some practice to change.  We asked her if she had any ideas on how she could remember to use less, and we offered her some ideas of our own.  She explained that she was very worried that if she used less, she wouldnt be able to get herself dry. 

So... we dove in.   Abby went and got a roll of paper and some water.  She poured a few drops of water on the table and we all practiced "wiping" the water with various numbers of squares and various folding techniques.  Chloe was really interested and learning and got very motivated to continue trying. 

Together we determined that we could, if we needed to, wipe with as little as two squares- but that we could use as many as 6-8 and still be way better off than a whole handful.  Certianly, any time you'd need to use more in order to be clean or dry, that is the best choice. 

It seemed a little silly at moments talking in such detail about these things... But it was just what Chloe needed, and thus... completely worth it. 

Now that she had some confidence, we wanted to help her remember in the moment.  We suggested that she break off some sections of paper and put them on the counter in her bathroom.  That way she could just reach for a section instead of for the roll. She was happy with this solution and went upstairs to make some sections for herself. 

I love that she feels like she can come to us for help for things like this - and anything really. That we will listed to, help, and empower her. 

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