Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life lessons

I was daydreaming about a time when I was young.  My mom had a quote on the wall in the hallway.  She would always have my brother and I go read if if we were being "difficult".  It was the serinity prayer.  Funnily enough, for the longest time I really had no idea what it meant, I just read it because she told me to.  But the time out always helped my attitude fade.  In time, when I did understand it- it came to gether for me.  There were also a few sayings that she used to say all the time.  It got me thinking... this repetition is one of the many tools we mothers have to instill our values in our childern. I starting thinking about all the times I've talked with friends and they say "My mom used to always say...."  and now it's something they embrace in their lives to be true. 
So... what are the things I always say?  What are the things I want our kids to think of when they say "My mom used to always say..."? 
And... maybe I'll make a sign to put in the hallway to have them go read it during those "moments". 

Feeling scared is just an opportunity to be brave. -or- If you're scared, and you do something anyway... that means you're brave.
Of course this is followed up with the distinction between scared-nervous and scared-danger.  I'm not sure where I picked this up.  I feel like I learned it inside me during those times of talking myself into being brave. 

Fair: When everyone gets what's right for them.
This is a good one for kids.  So many times "It's not fair!!" is a hard one to address.  For me, the old "life isn't fair" answer just isn't enough. 
Breath, think, and do the next right thing.
Okay, I got this from a TV show, but it's just so incredibly good.  It applies to every single situation no matter how small or big. 

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.
I've heard this from multiple sources... but I really believe it.  I find myself actually saying "It's okay to be upset/dissapointed but you still need to be nice."  I'm sure this will evolve as Chloe gets older, the the lesson remains.  Another important one.

It's never too late to apologize.
Just so so true. 

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
We talk often about this concept- positive thinking, etc.  Believing in yourself. Trying hard.  Not giving up.  And how damaging it is if you believe you can't do something, or give up before you try- and try hard. 
If you say you can't, it means you won't.
This one came from my mom.  It's true.  It's simular to the last one, and reminds us how powerful our words are. 

Home is a safe place- and we are a safe place for you.
We model this and talk about it and enforce it at every opportunity. 

You are: strong, kind, smart, hilarious, capable, important, sweet, lovable, amazing, creative, enough.
An empowering quote on a painting I saw. 

I wonder what Chloe will remember when she's older... maybe there will be things she remembers me saying that I didn't even mean to instill.  Time will tell- and I daydream of those conversations someday in the future. 

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