Sunday, September 2, 2012

Biscuits, no thank you

For breakfast we decided to make some biscuits.  We got our cookie cutters out to make shapes and all picked the ones we wanted.  Chloe measured and poured all the ingredients, finding the fractions of cups and filling perfectly to the line every time.  We all drank some "bakers juice"- (chocolate soy milk) to give us just the boost we needed. 

We were all very excited when we sat down at the table to eat our breakfast of fruit salad and home made biscuits.  After a few minutes, Chloe got very quiet and stopped eating.  I asked her if something was bothering her, and she said there was, but she didn't know how to talk about it.  She had her head down and seemed very sad.  I asked her if she wanted to write it down on a piece of paper, and then we could talk about it.  She immediatly said she could do that and went to get a piece of paper.  She came down from her room and sat at the counter to write her note. 

Then she quietly and carefully walked over to me and handed me her thoughts. 
(I'm not happy with how the biscuits turned out and I feel bad about not liking them)

I read her note and hugged her onto my lap.  I told her I understood her feelings, and why she felt bad.  I told her I was happy she could write her feelings to share them.  I asked if she was okay if I showed Abby her note so we could all talk together.  She walked over to Abby and melted into her hug.  We told her we love her, and it was totally okay if she doesn't like the biscuits.  We tried to tell her that we were so happy to have the time baking together that it's okay if we don't love what we made.  We told her she was very sweet to be concerned about our feelings.  Abby told her a secret: biscuits aren't her favorite thing either- but because she has so many memories from baking them as a kid, she wanted to share it with Chloe. 
At first, Chloe was so sad about not liking them she just couldn't feel good about having the experience with us even after we assured her that she hadn't hurt our feelings and she didn't have to eat them.  Her spirits started to lift, nonetheless and we moved on to have a great morning. 
My mommy-heart melts when she is so sweet and delicate.  I experience her feelings as so deep and raw... I hope to always protect them.  I don't want to harden her.  We take every chance we get to make the safe sanctuary for her to grow into her true self. 
Even though, in the moment she couldn't  be happy about the experience after not liking the biscuits... I hope the memory with us is still a good one.

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