Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Raising elephants

Chloe has a subscription for a kids magazine called Ranger Rick.  She really loves getting them in the mail and looks forward to reading the jokes and having us read the articles with her.  There are always articles and information about animals, preserving species and habitats, and awareness of dangers to animals, etc. 

We were both excited when we got the latest issue of her magazine and there was an article about raising orphaned baby elephants.  An elephant orphanage. 
Chloe knows I adore elephants.  I told her about how I remember when I first starting loving elephants.  I was young- close to her age, and I'd gotten my hands on a kids magazine with an article about them.  I read it over and over.  I couldn't get enough of the pictures, the facts and the stories. 

So, it was special that we were reading her magazine article about elephants together.  As the article went on it described this orphanage and the workers there.  They live day in and day out with the babies.  It describes the personalities and needs of the babies, and how they feed them with giant bottles, have play time, and even sleep with them.  Then it explained how eventually, they take to babies to the wild and help them transition into being in a herd and learning how to survive.  It explained that the elephants don't forget where they came from and will, after years have passed, return to the place they were released and bring their babies and grand babies to "introduce" them to their human friends. 

Chloe was riveted.  Near the end of the article Chloe said to me:
"When I grow up, I want to raise elephants in an orphanage like that." 
I said, "I'd love that, because then I could come visit you and see the elephants all the time." 

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