Monday, August 6, 2012

Working together

So, after Chloe finished her inside chores, she came outside where Abby and I were working in the back yard. She asked if there was anything she could help me with. So, we moved a brick pile and a wood pile to the other side of the house together. She was trying very hard and I told her I noticed what a hard worker she was. She would challenge herself to see how much she could carry at once. I was also proud about how she piled everything she carried into neat piles, instead of doing a sloppy job. She is very good at making sure to do things neatly.
We talked about working hard and what our goals were for all our hard work. We though about how much fun it's going to be when we have the new deck done. As we were carrying the bricks we were talking about parties and BBQs we can have and how it feels good to be all working hard together. Even though the work isn't the most fun thing to do, it's going to be worth it. She was getting very excited about it all.
We also needed to move a bunch of dirty grass clumps. At first Chloe didn't want to get dirty, so we took a break from moving the grass and rubbed as much dirt on our arms and legs as we could. Then while we were working, it didn't matter how dirty we got. It worked like a charm. Though she did ask to take a bath the minute we were done moving the pile. I had her wait until the afternoon outside was done.
Abby and I had talked ahead of time about making sure to include Chloe in the work we've been doing. The hope was, of course, that she'd begin to feel the value of working hard and exerting herself, and also feel some ownership in our projects and family unit.
So naturally, I smiled and encouraged her when she said, "This is a different kind of family time together, but I really like it." and a bit later when she said "This makes me think it would feel good to put my laundry away more often."

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