Tuesday, August 28, 2012

That Girl's Got Jokes

Chloe has a long way to go before she becomes an award winning actress, but what she lacks in believability, she more than makes up for in her dramatic displays. ;)

So, this evening I said something that she didn't like very much, and she let out one of her signature fake cries. (If you've ever spent more than an hour with a 7-year old girl, then you know what I'm talking about.) It's like an overly dramatic death scene - you saw that guy get shot in the heart, and, maybe at first you felt a little concerned about him, but now that he's sputtering, stumbling, and spewing repent...you're over it. A child's fake cry is eerily similar.

So, anyways, while I was "looking at the ceiling", Kendra called Chloe over to her and asked, "Honey, you sound sad. Are you real sad or just pretend sad?" Chloe said that she wasn't sure and Kendra scooped her up onto her lap. Then Kendra made eye contact with Chloe and said, "Maybe I should tell you a little joke...to...ge-". As soon as the word "joke" crossed Kendra's lips, Chloe was completely buckled down in laughter. She couldn't stop and it only got more uncontrollable as Kendra implored her to "go ahead and stop laughing if you can...oh yeah, that's okay, I'll wait right here while you finish up." ;) When Chloe settled down just a bit, Kendra would say "joke!" and it would start all over again.

When you're an active parent (as we are), it can be easy to over think things. Sometimes, you just gotta stop thinking all at once and ride a different wave for a bit. I was happy to see Kendra and Chloe riding the same silly wave tonight.

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