Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July!!

We were so excited to see the blue sky's out the window when we woke up! It was bound to be a great day from the start. When I walked into Chloe's room she was sitting on her bed playing with her dolls wearing her favorite dress. It's the long purple one Abby and I got her for out trip to California.
Chloe and I spent the first part of the day hanging out together and catching up on some laundry, gardening and odds and ends around the house. Chloe was such a positive minded sweet helper all day. She helped me fold laundry, and put her clothes away before I asked her to. She helped me pull weeds in the garden and watered for me- that was right before she put on her swimsuit and played in the hose water. While we were picking strawberries, we were sad to find some that had stayed there way too long and had gotten moldy. Chloe said "At least we have these other yummy ones we are finding" She really helped me stay happy while finding one yucky berry after another. We ended up with a decent few handfuls of good ones. We were bummed that Abby had to work, so we decided to make the best of it. We went to the grocery store and picked up what we'd need for our BBQ Dinner. While we were there, we also got some old fashioned sodas for all of us. We agreed that Abby would get first pick.
We were finishing up a fairy house adventure when Abby got home from work.
We had such a wonderful, silly Magical evening together. We all helped put the BBQ together, Chloe shucked the corn, I cut the watermelon and Abby MAGICALLY BBQ'd the chicken and Corn- or as we like to call it "corn-corn".
Meanwhile, Chloe told us all about her powers to smell magic on people and how she is Mother Natures Daughter. (Which makes Abby and I "practically Mother Nature". ) We learned that we all have different types of magic. On us she smelled: Funny magic, Awesome magic, Mom magic, and Smart magic. A good combination, I think. Also, she told Abby that she's "not only the best cooker in the world- but the best cooker in the UNIVERSE!"
We especially got a kick out of how I was pregnant with her even though she was Mother Natures daughter. She started off as a flower, and then she was a bee- then one day when I was just a kid I was walking by and she turned from a bee into a bit of lovely smelling wind. When I smelled the wind, that was when I was going to have her once I was an adult.
She has such a wonderful imagination. I love getting in there and living her stories with her.
We also all practiced our pull-ups on the back pergola. We are a family of super strong women, that's for sure!! At dinner Abby and Chloe took turns taking big bites of watermelon and making funny faces. We were also making up silly songs about our evening together.
After dinner, we went out front to light some of our fireworks. Chloe had the idea to take turns choosing which ones to light off, and offered Abby and I to choose first. She is so thoughtful and inclusive. We all had a good time, and we even got to bed at a decent time. Ready for work and watersides in the morning.

I truly love our little family. I cherish all out time together, and love our silly dynamics. It balances out our super responsible side pretty well. At least I hope so.

We laid down for bed and listened to the sound of all the fireworks going off all across town. I love that sound. It's not quite as beautiful as a downpour and thunderstorm. But close.

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