Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lessons of the day

We went out to breakfast at Mount Bakery- Chloe announced it was her new favorite place- so I guess we chose well.

There were so many lessons at breakfast today.
First we saw a girl walking outside with a super short skirt- so we talked about how some girls dress revealing and how it's better to only show all your skin like that to the shower or maybe some day someone she really loves. ;) She got embarrassed and asked to change the subject- which we did, but only after poking a tiny bit at the uncomfortable-ness, and making sure she got the message.
Then the waitress came and asked us to move tables to help them accommodate another party. We gladly and cheerfully moved to help people. Lesson taught by example. In the same light, we later offered our extra seat for a table who was one short. We didn't reiterate the "be helpful and courteous" lesson, but I know she noticed.
As we were finishing up our breakfast, a woman, walking next to our table passed out and slumped to the floor next to us. Abby, immediately went to her aid and I pulled Chloe's chair out of the way. She came to pretty quickly, but not before all our adrenalin had kicked in.
Once we got back to the van we asked Chloe how she was doing. We told her feeling a bit scared in those situations is okay, and we were a little bit scared, too. We assured her that many adults, us included, have learned some things to help people in trouble like that, and that stuff like that doesn't happen very often. We talked about being sure to get an adults attention if she ever notices an emergency, etc. We talked for a while, and she seemed pretty good with it long before my adrenaline calmed down.
Now, as I'm looking back, I feel proud of what she sees and learns from us. We take pride in ourselves, take things in stride, help people out and talk about things as a family.

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