Friday, January 11, 2013

A night out

We went to dinner and a movie last night. As we were walking up to the restaurant Chloe was making jokes about the name: "What is a nose's favorite restaurant?"
"Bob's Booger and Brew!"
He had a fun time at dinner chatting about life. Chloe did an excellent job at ordering her food and talking with the waitress. We could tell she felt good about it. she said-"I'm actually getting pretty good at that"
Chloe pointed on the kids menu that it said her meal came with a free pop and ice cream- and I said- "Oh man! Why did we teach you to read, anyway!?" She thought that was pretty funny. She also noticed how the entire kids menu was made up of unhealthy food. We had a conversation about that, and now she understands why we sometimes order her food not from the kids menu, and why we love to go to Scotty browns- they have very good kids choices.
After dinner we stopped by Hagen for some candy! The movie was fun! We are really loving our big, new theatre! Chloe didn't bring her coat- silly girl- it's January!! So Abby snuggled her all the way back to the van. We took some fleeting pictures- nothing perfect, but a a couple captured moments.


  1. Replies
    1. We saw Parental Guidance. It was the only family appropriate movie playing. It was an okay movie and a fun night out, but we REALLY loved our first movie at the new theatre - Wreck-it Ralph!
